Monday, June 7, 2010


Since when do American politicians outright defame a President ? When did that become ok? Oh yeah. 11/04/2008.

Yes! This is about race. There's no other way to explain it and no other reason for it. Since America has elected a non-white male as a President, it's been open season on racially charged comments, rants, and jokes. Comments that later turn into apologies for what was meant as humor and was taken in the wrong context. People, there is no incorrect context when it comes to calling someone a "raghead". There is no incorrect context calling the President a liar on the floor of the Senate during a televised State of the Union speech. The context is always absolutely spot-on. However, it is always easier to apologize than to ask permission.

Sen. Jakes Knotts is just one in a long line of members from the Old Boys Club who would rather die than be loyal to the current President. Because he is Black. Because he is Black. Because he is Black. There it is. Because he is Black. To say that these comments and outbursts are not racialy motivated and are being taken out of context, is to say that you agree with the comments,or at the very least, are apathetic to what is means to the people to whom they are directed. This is not an isolated incident and will continue to plague the President throughout his term. I can't wait until he can address these bigots with as much fire and fervor as he is being attacked with.

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