Monday, March 15, 2010

A Free Book is a Good Book

It's just like adding salt to a meal at a banquet: it might not taste the way you cook at home but at least it's free.

I have been an avid reader for more than 25 years (I'm 32 now) and never thought that I'd be able to read books in any fornat other than paper and binding. But with the new popularity of e-book readers from Sony, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon, this thing is really starting to catch on. So, I downloaded the BN e-book reader to my Blackberry and fell in love. Here was the happiest place on earth offering me the opportunity to buy and read books without having to leave the house on a rainy day (The angels say "Ahhhhhhh").  Then I downloaded the Mobipocket reader that connects to several different sites which have online stores as well. And finally, the one that started it all: the Kindle became available for Blackberry. I almost cried! Didn't I already have three readers on my phone already? Did really need another one? YES!!!

The beauty of it is---some sites offer discounts on new releases and best sellers, some offer rebates that can be used for future purchases, and best of all, some of the books are free (for a limited time). You download them, read them and if you're a good little trooper, you'll write a review so that others can share your literary ice cream cone. Some of the offered titles might not be to your liking but they're free so why complain? Just delete them.  But sometimes, you'll get an unexpected gem like Petals from the Sky by Mingmei Yip or a future bestsellers like Demonfire by Kate Douglas and Fang by James Patterson. So, it's all worth what you paid for it.  (HMMM) updates most often with coming in at no.2. You should also try, for a good reader experience. While Blackberry, Ipod Touch and Iphone support most services,  the Kindle and Barnes and Noble e-readers are not yet supported by Windows Mobile, Nokia, Droid, Etc. (Hope springs eternal).

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