Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I love books. A lot. And there is nothing better than a good, free book. So, I joined when the site began several months ago.  It works like this: you buy a lendable book for Kindle,  post it on the website and lend it to another bibliophile.  You also post  lendable books you would like to read and as they become available, you get to have it for a two week load. Sounds simple? It is.  Now, the people at BookLending have started something new with a sister site called

BookRooster allows avid readers to receive free copies of books, from a genre of their choosing, to read and post reviews on Sounds simple? It is.  You get an email invitation with a description of the book, you respond if you would like to read it and then, if you are one of 30 people to respond first, you are sent an attachment with the book. You read it. Post a review. Done.  I have accepted invitations for about six books so far  and have reviewed three of those. 

Ok, back to me loving books....I have a book backlog. Books in print and ebooks, in addition  to those I have recieved from BookRooster. How do I keep up? Why I read multiple books at any given time, of course! Currenty on roster, is a book called The Mark of Kane by L.W. Herndon . It's a paranormal about a half-demon with a conscience (It is not a paranormal romance). Yeah. I know. But the book is turning out to be really good with the classic good v. evil theme.  Also, I have Fall by David Scott Hay and Jennifer's Garden by Traci E. Hall. 
So, I said all of that to say.....check out and if you like to read as much as I do.

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