Thursday, January 6, 2011


Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl TechnologySadly since I started a new job and then got a Kindle, I have not paid much attention to this page. It's not that I haven't been reading, it's just that I haven't been chronicling what I've read.  Since my Kindle purchase in November, I have not been without this "library in my pocket". I carry this thing everywhere (even on a trip to my grandfather's funeral).
In addition to the 120+ books I already owned via my Android and Blackberry Kindle app, I have added about 90 books to it so far. And my goal for 2011 is to see if I can max out the memory on the Kindle3. I only have one game and one magazine subscription loaded on it, so it's nearly pure. With all of the hoopla about Ipad, Nook Color, Kobo, etc, the Kindle is for the serious reader. I mean, do your print books come in color? The serious reader in me appreciates the life-like print and the ease of use. I have a smartphone and a laptop if I need to edit my blog or write college thesis. This  device is for those who have always been teased about having their heads stuck in a book, well, it's still there. Now it's just a better looking book.

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